
Jan. 23, 2024

Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

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Jan. 23, 2024

5 Ways Leading Authentically As A Woman Will Affect Your Leadership

5 Ways Leading Authentically As A Woman Will Affect Your Leadership

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Jan. 23, 2024

The Unseen Impact of Lockdown on Broadway

When the world went into lockdown, the bustling streets of performing arts fell silent. 🌉 Rosie Fiedelman, a Broadway performer, recalls the chilling moment when they were allowed back into the theater to collect their belongings. The initial thought was that this would be a brief pause, a month at…

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Jan. 22, 2024

Unmasking Systemic Racism: A Black Man's Awakening After Trayvon Martin's Shooting

LeRon Barton, a passionate advocate for racial equality, shares his journey of awakening to the harsh realities of systemic racism in America. 🌏 After the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin, a spark ignited within him. He became acutely aware of the racial disparities that black people face every day in…

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Jan. 21, 2024

Implement DEI Like a Winner

How should leaders approach execution or implementation of DEI? 🕴🏽 The answer, surprisingly, lies in the basics of P and L. What are we offering? Who are our clients? What do they anticipate from us? The key is to listen to your customers and trace your steps back to the…

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Jan. 20, 2024

The Secret Nature of DEI

The genesis of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) can be traced back to the Nixon administration. 🏛️ It all began with a simple question: "Who works for the companies that work for the federal government?" 📝 This led to the birth of an entire industry, where strategy became the main…

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Jan. 19, 2024

Create Belonging in the Office Now!

Belonging 🌏 is a feeling, an expectation, and a vibe that you get when you walk into a room. There are places where you instantly feel a sense of belonging. Places where people are open, welcoming, and can't wait to see how you fit into their world. But belonging is…

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Jan. 18, 2024

Authenticity in Social Media

In the professional world, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of LinkedIn posts, where everyone seems to be achieving something extraordinary. 🏆 We see colleagues and friends sharing their promotions, their new ventures, and even their published books, and it's natural to feel a pang of self-doubt.…

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Jan. 17, 2024

The Truth About Social Media Posts

In the age of social media, we're constantly bombarded with images of perfection. 📸 In holiday photos, we see our friends and family looking like they've stepped straight out of a magazine. But here's the thing - these images are curated. 🎭 We don't see the chaos behind the scenes…

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Jan. 16, 2024

What's Doom Scrolling and Why Stop It?

We all have a relationship with social media, don't we? 📱 Just like many of us, you might find yourself caught in the web of endless scrolling. 🕸️ Sometimes, it's the negative news, and sometimes, it's as simple as falling down a rabbit hole of useless knowledge. An hour later,…

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Jan. 15, 2024

Mastering Work-Life Harmony

Ever feel like you're juggling a million things at once? 🎭 Being a professional and a parent is no easy feat. There's a constant whirlwind of responsibilities, from being a mother and a wife to a career woman. 🌪️ But here's a thought - let's strive for work-life harmony, not…

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Jan. 14, 2024

Effective Ways to Disrupt Racism Today!

In the face of explicit racist ideology, we're often left wondering, "What can we do?" 🤔 As Dr. Peter Huang explains in his book, "Disrupting Racism," the answer might surprise you. It's humor. Yes, humor. 🎭 Humor has the power to make people less confrontational, to make them think, and…

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Jan. 13, 2024

Implicit vs Explicit Racism, What's The Difference?

Racism, a term that's been thrown around a lot lately, is not a one-size-fits-all concept. 🌏 As Dr. Peter Huang explains in his book, "Disrupting Racism," racism is a complex issue with many layers and forms, and it's crucial to understand these nuances to effectively combat it. 🕊️ Implicit racism,…

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Jan. 12, 2024

Understanding Racism in 2024

Racism, a deeply ingrained belief system, is more than just actions that can be penalized by law. 🎭 As Dr. Peter Huang explains in his book, "Disrupting Racism," It's a mindset often based on misconceptions about a person's abilities or intentions due to their skin color. 🌍 These beliefs are…

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Jan. 11, 2024

Redefining Success as More than Numbers

What does success look like to you? 🤔 For Jeanelle Castro, it used to be all about hitting those big milestones. 🎯 It was a numbers game, and it seemed like the more she had, the more successful she was. But as time went on, she began to realize that…

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Jan. 10, 2024

Find the Balance Between Work and Health

Balancing mental health with the demands of creating content and living life can often feel like walking a tightrope. 🎭Jeanelle Castro shares her journey of learning to navigate this delicate balance. She confesses that it's a constant learning process, a daily check-in with herself, asking, "Do I feel good right…

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Jan. 9, 2024

Breaking The Violence Cycle

Growing up in an Asian household, Fiona Kong felt voiceless. 🗣️Her father's constant abuse taught her to avoid attention from her environment. The lack of validation led to a shyness that was more than just a personality trait; it was a survival mechanism. Invisibility became her refuge, a sanctuary from…

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Jan. 8, 2024

Cordell Carter: It's not about success, it's about significance for Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

In the first episode in 2024, Cordell Carter and I discuss: -The definition of belonging -Diversity as being a given in organizations due to the changing demographics in the country -Belonging being the destination and DEI, the strategy to work towards that destination -Framing DEIB in terms of profit-and-loss (P&L)…

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Jan. 8, 2024

Clues Your Relationship is Doomed

Reflecting on the past can often provide us with a clearer understanding of our present. 🎎 Take, for example, the story of Fiona Kong. She grew up in a home filled with constant conflict. She now struggles to form a relationship with him. Growing up in such an environment, Fiona…

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Jan. 7, 2024

How to Teach Kids Respect and Empathy

In a world where we're constantly surrounded by diverse beliefs, appearances, and experiences, it's crucial to remember that kindness should always be our default response. 🌏 Alan Jenkins, a renowned professional in the field of mental health, recently shared some insightful advice on how to foster these values in our…

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Jan. 6, 2024

The Needed Change in Capitol Riots

In the realm of social justice, there are a few changes that Alan Jenkins would like to see. 🏛️ One of the most pressing issues he highlights is the lack of accountability among politicians who participated in the events of January 6th at the Capitol. While many of the rioters…

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Jan. 5, 2024

The Truth About Work-Life Balance

In the grand tapestry of life, there are moments when work seeps into our personal space, leaving us with less time for ourselves and our loved ones. 🕰️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Life, in all its chaotic beauty, demands flexibility. It's a dance of adaptation, a constant ebb and flow of priorities. Setting ourselves…

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Jan. 4, 2024

How to Balance Work, Family, and Self-Care

In the whirlwind of life, Pritma Dhillon Chattha has found a unique way to maintain her sanity and mental health. She juggles many roles, but her secret weapon is time boxing. 📅 Pritma relies heavily on her calendar, a place where her professional and personal worlds collide. But what's most…

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Jan. 3, 2024

Building Your Identity as a Person of Color in Foster Care

Grace Yung Foster, a beacon in the community, is still on her journey of self-discovery and identity building. 🌱 She emphasizes the importance of immersing oneself in the community, particularly for people of color. 🌏 She encourages us to listen to the diverse experiences of others who share similar lived…

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