Learn the Difference Between OCD and Being Organized

For someone who simply enjoys organizing, the task at hand may be completed and then forgotten about until the next time it needs to be tidied up. 🗄️

However, for those with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the act of organizing and maintaining order is not so easily put aside. 🤔

The need to have everything in its proper place and to have everything done the "right" way is all-consuming and difficult to deviate from. 🧹

The person with OCD is fixated on the task and cannot move on until it is completed to their satisfaction. 🕵️‍♂️

Despite the temporary relief and sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving order, the constant preoccupation with organization can still be distressing and uncomfortable. 🤯

The brain may tell them that there is no such thing as a "right" way to organize, and that there is no end to the cycle of arranging and re-arranging. 🧠

The problem is that this temporary fix for the need for order only masks the underlying, longer-term issue of OCD. 💭


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