Putting Your Oxygen Mask First: The Key to Effective Patient Care

In the wise words of Dr. Judith Joseph, we must first prioritize our own well-being before we can effectively care for others. 🌱

Just as we are instructed to put on our own oxygen masks before assisting others in an emergency, we must also ensure that we are living purposeful lives, investing our time and energy into the relationships that matter most to us. 🌟

If we fail to practice what we preach, our impact on those we care for, such as our patients, will be significantly diminished.

Dr. Joseph firmly believes that when we feel fulfilled and nourished as caregivers, we are more attuned to the needs of our patients. 🏥

We are more likely to notice when a patient, despite ticking all the boxes, is not feeling fulfilled.

However, if we neglect our own spiritual, emotional, and mental health, we risk overlooking these subtle signs in others.

Remember, self-care isn't selfish, it's essential.

Get Access to my FREE eBook: 3 Strategies to Reduce Burnout and Boost Well-Being: https://astounding-knitter-5165.ck.page/colorofsuccess

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With Dr. Judith Joseph: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmHQJaOerTsZJfOtiYz4sOg

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#SelfCareInHealthcare #PurposefulLiving #MentalHealthAwareness