Understanding Racism in 2024

Racism, a deeply ingrained belief system, is more than just actions that can be penalized by law. 🎭

As Dr. Peter Huang explains in his book, "Disrupting Racism," It's a mindset often based on misconceptions about a person's abilities or intentions due to their skin color. 🌍

These beliefs are not only incorrect but also harmful, leading to a lack of interaction and understanding between races. 📚

When confronted with evidence that contradicts these beliefs, racists often feel threatened and seek out information that supports their existing worldview.

This is why it's so important to challenge our own beliefs, step out of our comfort zones, and embrace the diversity that makes us human. 🤝

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With: Dr. Peter Huang

#RacismBeliefs #EconomicsOfDiscrimination #IdentityThreat