What Happens When They Choose to Leave?

Setting boundaries is a tough task, isn't it? 🎭

It's like walking on a tightrope, balancing self-compassion and empathy towards others.

And what if, despite all your efforts, the person on the other end just stops talking to you? It's a harsh reality, but it's part of the process. 🎐

Juliane Taylor Shore reminds us that we cannot control how others react.

We can influence, but we can't control.

We can ask, we can persist, but if someone decides to exit the relationship because they can't accept your boundaries, there's nothing you can do. 🏮

Remember, setting boundaries is not just about protecting yourself, it's also about understanding others.

It's a journey of self-discovery and empathy, and it's okay to feel the pain along the way.

Catch the full episode here: https://www.colorofsuccesspodcast.com/juliane-taylor-shore-did-you-know-setting-boundaries-can-change-your-neurobiology/

With Juliane Taylor Shore: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGlHFxgx1Q3GVZmxskrGABA

Get Access to my FREE eBook: 3 Strategies to Reduce Burnout and Boost Well-Being: https://astounding-knitter-5165.ck.page/colorofsuccess

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#SettingBoundaries #EmotionalIntelligence #RelationshipManagement